Svenska fornskriftsällskapet 1944–1993
: Historik
Börje Westlund
Serie 1. Svenska skrifter, nr 93
Svenska fornskriftsällskapet (The Old Swedish Society) was founded as a non-profit association in 1844 for the purpose of publishing documents written in Swedish and Latin and composed in Sweden before about 1600, together with learned works dealing with such documents.
The present volume describes the history of the Society during the third fifty-year period of its existence, between 1944 and 1993.
The content of the general section includes a description of the charter, board meetings, general meetings of members and membership of the board. In addition, a summary is provided of the works published during this period, together with a brief description of each title listed.
There is a specific section dealing with the finances of the Society during the period.
This section is followed by a series of short biographies of board members during this same period.
Two indexes are provided in this volume, where one lists persons by name and the other lists texts and manuscripts.
Ten tables appear at the end of the volume, where the first lists all members of the board and their years of service on the board, the remaining ones cover various aspects of the finances of the Society.
Keywords: Medieval texts, publication of learned works, secular texts in Old Swedish, religious literature in Old Swedish, Swedish medieval texts in Latin, Old Swedish laws, the writings of Saint Birgitta.
Språk i boken: svenska