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Sancta Birgitta: Revelaciones. Book 2

Carl-Gustaf Undhagen (red.), Birger Bergh (red.)

Serie 2. Latinska skrifter, no. VII:2

The present volume contains the first critical edition of the Latin text of St. Birgitta's (1303-73) Revelations, Book II. The edition is based on a collation of eleven selected MSS. which, in the editions of other Revelations books, have proved to be of high quality. In one of the introductory chapters, the relationships between these MSS. are accounted for. The archetype of the MSS., reconstructed as described in the chapter on principles of edition, is analysed in detail in a chapter on textual criticism. It appears to contain numerous errors, which are corrected in the edition. A glossary after the edition lists all such words as are either lacking in Georges' Handworterbuch or appear there with a meaning not applicable in the text of the present edition. Indices of different kinds conclude the edition.
Sancta Birgitta: Revelaciones. Book 2

ISBN 9197380326

Soft cover

128 pages

Published 2001

Language eng

Price from SEK 200